Monday, March 06, 2006
DoomSled Update# (who knows?!@#$%^)

Project DoomSled is alive, although transformed. Instead of a recumbent trike, I'm gonna go with a bike. Hauling a 40lbs trike up and down the stairs sucks, and it isn't good for my back. A bike will be lighter, and I'll be able to use industry standard bike parts.
My dad always told me, "A big man needs a big car." That was good advice. So, I've applied that advice to bicycles because I don't like cars much. Not that I'm a Commy Liberal Hack or anything, it's just that my cars are always breaking down. If my bike breaks down, it doesn't cost much to fix. And they're infinitely upgradeable. So here's to dad, "A big man needs a Big FREAKIN BIKE!"
But more about DoomSled, I found an amateur frame builder to build a clone of the bike you see in the above picture. He should be done in a few weeks.
I want to paint it Olive Drab (Army Green). I may even do some kind of camouflage. Maybe go with browns and greens. I could use dead leaves or something to get a pattern.