Wednesday, October 27, 2004
U-Lock Debacle: Follow-up
I just received this email from Kryptonite concerning my ulock:
Sounds like Krypto is doing the right thing even though it's costing them millions. They have my full respect. Also, I think they cycling community as a whole commends Krypto for steeping up to the plate. Companies such as Masterlock have really lost my trust entirely. Check this thread on on Masterlock's mistreatment of customers following the fiasco: Master Lock Run Around
Dear Kryptonite Lock Exchange Participant,
Thank you for registering for the Kryptonite Lock Exchange Program,
and thank you for your patience as you've been waiting to hear more news.
We wanted to give you an update on our progress.
We have begun sending UPS call-tags to participants for their use in
returning their Kryptonite tubular cylinder locks,
and we are preparing to send their replacement locks to them.
This is being done on a first-registered, first-served basis.
If you've not yet received a call tag from us, you should be receiving one soon.
We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have created.
Please know that we are working diligently to
complete the lock exchange as quickly as possible.
Team Kryptonite Customer Service
Sounds like Krypto is doing the right thing even though it's costing them millions. They have my full respect. Also, I think they cycling community as a whole commends Krypto for steeping up to the plate. Companies such as Masterlock have really lost my trust entirely. Check this thread on on Masterlock's mistreatment of customers following the fiasco: Master Lock Run Around
Thursday, October 21, 2004
1,400 miles, whew!
Today marks the 1,400 mile on my bicycle. The cyclometer now reads 1404 miles. I rode 9.5 mile today. I rode downtown to pay the water bill. Afterwards, I headed to campus to practice at the music building when my front derailuer cable broke. All I could use was the lowest chainring. I managed to get to the Cycle Path and bought a new shifter cable. I put it on outside the shop. No need to waist eight bucks when I could do it myself for free! I got it and adjusted they cut the excess cable off and put a cap on end to the cable from coming unfrazzled. Just as I pulled out a train came rolling by and stopped right there on the tracks blocking my way home. I chose to make this an adventure. I hopped my bike and took off down the railroad track. I had to go about a mile to the end of the train to get to the next street.
The stomach called. So, I ate at Tequilla Grill just off 15 street. It wasn't Pepitos but the stomach was happy. I didn't think I had the energy to get back home but after about 1/2 a mile the adrenaline kicked in. I got home safely and soundly. No crashes!
The stomach called. So, I ate at Tequilla Grill just off 15 street. It wasn't Pepitos but the stomach was happy. I didn't think I had the energy to get back home but after about 1/2 a mile the adrenaline kicked in. I got home safely and soundly. No crashes!
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I Crashed! The Buckets of Doom Survive!!
I crashed on the way back from the grocery store today. It started raining and I decided to take the trail home. It's not a bicycle trail is a rocky dirt road that leads to many graveyard owned by the local mental hospital. It basically a shortcut through the woods.
Just recently a little asphalt had been laid on the trail. They did a very poor job because they left many lumps and bumps actually make the rocky dirt road rougher than before. I hit one of those bumps and went over the handlebars. True enough my feet detached from the clipless pedals as they were supposed to. I hit the ground hard. I laid there for a minute to get my bearings. My helmet looks good I don't see any cracks but I may buy a new one just in case. They Buckets of Doom survived the fall. They are truly awesome panniers. I may have to start selling these things!
At ant rate I think that settles it. I'm building this Greenspeed. If I had a trike I never would have had the accident because there would have never been any balance issues.
Just recently a little asphalt had been laid on the trail. They did a very poor job because they left many lumps and bumps actually make the rocky dirt road rougher than before. I hit one of those bumps and went over the handlebars. True enough my feet detached from the clipless pedals as they were supposed to. I hit the ground hard. I laid there for a minute to get my bearings. My helmet looks good I don't see any cracks but I may buy a new one just in case. They Buckets of Doom survived the fall. They are truly awesome panniers. I may have to start selling these things!
At ant rate I think that settles it. I'm building this Greenspeed. If I had a trike I never would have had the accident because there would have never been any balance issues.
Buckets of Doom: Update
Every since I put in the lock washers the Buckets of Doom have not loosened a bit. I have loaded them with lots of heavy books when I was studying for comps. I've done bunny hops with them and the still hold adjustment very well. That's really good for just 47 bucks!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Comps. Round 2: Finished
I'm done!!! I've been praising God all morning. I finished up about 3:20 yesterday. Suprisingly my writing hand is not sore. I used those oversized type pens which really helped. Friday's exam was 8 hours long and Saturday's exam was 4 hours 20 minutes. That's 12 hours and 20 minutes worth of writing! Now the profs. get to read all that stuff I wrote!
Friday, October 15, 2004
Comps. Round 1: Finished
I finished my music theory and history comps today at 10 til 6pm. We started at 8:30 am. We had a 1.5 hours break for lunch. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I answered the questions to the best of my ability. There were a couple questiuon that stumbed me but it did give a good answer based on what I knew and what I studied.
Round 2 is tomorrow. That's my major area: saxophone performance. That should not take as long hopfully 4 or 5 hours as opposed to 8 hours!
Round 2 is tomorrow. That's my major area: saxophone performance. That should not take as long hopfully 4 or 5 hours as opposed to 8 hours!
Comps: The Deplorable Word
My comprehensive exams for my masters degree are today and tomorrow. I've been prepareing for quite a while. I just don't know I have prepared enough. All the professors I've taked to say "chill out" or "it'll be alright." They start in about 2 hours. I figure I'll ride the bike to get the blood flowing. It suprises me how many people have to pump themselves up with coffee and other stimulants just to get themselves going in the mornings. If you just ride your bike or walk you'll get the same effect. Anyway keep me in your prayers folks.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
1000 views! Woot, woot!!
Wow! This blog has been seen over 1,000 times since it's creation in August. Thanks folks!
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
River Walk
I had some errads to run yesterday but I decided to take my digital camera along to take some pictures of my ride yesterday. Enjoy.
The Ents prepare for battle. Their business is with Isengard tonight. They likely march to their own doom. The White Wizard should have known better!!!!!!!

Interesting tip bit. This marks the point that begings tha Appalacian Mountain chain. From this point below the bottom of the river is made of sand. Above the bottom is made of rock. 

"No, Captian she can't take any morrrreee," Scotty remarked in shear terror as he noticed rust on the drive train. 

Train Bridge of Death. I chose not to ride under that thing. 100 year old wood didn't seem safe. not even the Buckets of Doom could brave this peril :( 

This looks like something from an Indiana Jones movie. I have to move before the big metal ball came rolling down! 

State Capitol of Alabama during Civil War. This place looks like something Sampson took down. Notice the Pillars. 

Friday, October 01, 2004
Super Powers: Follow up
Superheros are cool!
I feel I should post a follow up to the Super Powers article I wrote on 23 Sept 2004. After thinking about the underlying reasons why I chose the powers to replicate and to disappear, I have reconsidered mychoices. The powers I would choose today would be the power to buildany mechanical device I could imagine with the support of a benefactor. Kind of like Tony Stark (Iron Man) or Bruce Wayne (Batman).
The underlying reason is this: I would rather choose a power that would allow me to face reality and deal head on with life's problems, as opposed to the "tuck tail and run" response. The power to build weapons to fight is much more appealing and satisfying than running away.
I think this marks a transition from merely 'managing' an addiction to becoming a normal functional human being. In other words, I no longer view myself as a recovering sex addict. I see myself as on a life-long journey to becoming whole. I see myself as becoming whole and complete in every sense of the word.
At the end of my life I want people to say that Damon was a man who lived a life according to his values, that he tried to do what was right, and that he tried to make right the wrongs he had committed. I would call that a successful life.

I feel I should post a follow up to the Super Powers article I wrote on 23 Sept 2004. After thinking about the underlying reasons why I chose the powers to replicate and to disappear, I have reconsidered mychoices. The powers I would choose today would be the power to buildany mechanical device I could imagine with the support of a benefactor. Kind of like Tony Stark (Iron Man) or Bruce Wayne (Batman).
The underlying reason is this: I would rather choose a power that would allow me to face reality and deal head on with life's problems, as opposed to the "tuck tail and run" response. The power to build weapons to fight is much more appealing and satisfying than running away.
I think this marks a transition from merely 'managing' an addiction to becoming a normal functional human being. In other words, I no longer view myself as a recovering sex addict. I see myself as on a life-long journey to becoming whole. I see myself as becoming whole and complete in every sense of the word.
At the end of my life I want people to say that Damon was a man who lived a life according to his values, that he tried to do what was right, and that he tried to make right the wrongs he had committed. I would call that a successful life.